Petra (P.R.) Beishuizen
Attorney at law/mediator/partner
Petra has 25 years of experience in counseling people in divorce. In addition, she has focused on Business Mediation in recent years. She advises entrepreneurs and liberal professionals in settling their more complex financial and legal matters. Her role is coaching and facilitating. She restores connections and offers people new paths to solutions. The conflict may be a dispute within the family business, a partnership dispute or internal dispute within the organization's boardroom.
Intervision & Empowerment
As a mediator/coach, she has extensive experience with communication and relational problems. Every group has its own dynamics within the system in which they function and have to cooperate with each other. Especially in the management of a company it is important that there is mutual space and respect. Petra is an intervision supervisor of professionals in which intervision techniques are used to look deeper into the individual interests of people behind the issue. She also gives training courses "Intervision facilitator" and guides intervision groups through Teams or in the office. Professional Coaching can be requested on an individual basis.
Her approach
She uses an integrative holistic approach, which means looking at the whole problem and not just the legal part, looking at the whole person with all his emotions and experiences in relation to the conflict at hand. She pays attention to the cohesion and undercurrents between the persons involved in the group, the system within which work or life is being done.
/ Expertise
View the CV of Petra
- EFT for Mediators, Foundation EFT Netherlands, 2020
- VFas Mediation and Matrimonial Property Law, 2000
- University of Utrecht, 1994
- Collaborative Divorce Practitioner
- Intervision leader
- Dialogue coach training (NLP/Systemic)
- Dutch Association of Family Lawyers and Divorce Mediators (vFAS)
- Netherlands Mediation Institute (NMI)
- The Netherlands Institute of Psychologists (NIP)
- Collaborative lawyer from the Association Collaborative Divorce Holland (VvCP)
- International Academy of Family Lawyers (IAFL)
Additional positions
- Certified intervision facilitator (registered with the NOvA)
- Teacher training for peer coaching
- EFT expert
- Coach (individual career development/Team coaching)
- Certified mediator MfN (vFAS)
- Founder of HUB Holistic Practice
- Trainer vocational training CPO/Dialogue
- Guest lecturer VU Amsterdam at CMO, subject Mediation
- Trainer workshop/training Holistic Practice (2016, 2017 and 2018)
- Co-founder of 'Het Scheidingscafe'.
Enlgish, French, Dutch