Appeal in Cassation

Do you disagree with the judgment on appeal? Or are you of the opinion that the Court of Appeal has made mistakes in your lawsuit? In some cases, it is possible to take an appeal to the Supreme Court (Hoge Raad).

What can our cassation lawyers do for you?

Cassation proceedings are the final option to contest a judgment in legal proceedings in the Netherlands. The Supreme Court (Hoge Raad) reviews whether the law and the procedural rules have been applied correctly. The Supreme Court may quash a ruling of the Court of Appeal. Appeals in cassation concern civil, criminal and tax cases.

Where we can support you

Cassation proceedings

Cassation proceedings differ from proceedings in fact-finding instances. These proceedings require a cassation lawyer, a lawyer specialising in appeals in cassation.

Our lawyers are based in The Hague

Are you looking for a cassation lawyer? You are welcome to come to our office in The Hague. Our cassation lawyers have the right knowledge and expertise to assist you. Although our office is located in The Hague, we operate throughout the Netherlands.

Need legal support?

For more information, please contact Michaël van Basten Batenburg or someone else from the cassation team. They will be happy to assist you.


What is a cassation?

Cassation means that the decision of a lower court is reviewed by the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court is the highest court in the Netherlands. The Supreme Court oversees the administration of justice and can set aside judgments of courts and tribunals if those judges fail to apply the law correctly or if there are procedural errors.

In almost all cases, cassation can only be instituted after the lower court has heard the case in full and issued a final decision. But sometimes it happens that the court gives permission to appeal in cassation in the interim.

Cassation opinion after an interim decision

It happens that a cassation lawyer is already consulted during the proceedings before the lower court. In fact, if an interlocutory judgment or interlocutory ruling has made decisions to the disadvantage of the party concerned, it is advisable to seek cassation advice and not to wait until the final judgment has been rendered. Adjustments can then still be made during the appeal and the error made can be brought to the court's attention.

What if the cassation succeeds?

Following a judgment of a court of appeal (there are four of them), it is the job of a cassation lawyer to advise on the possibility of appealing in cassation. If cassation is filed and the Supreme Court upholds the appeal, another court will then have to hear the case. That 'referral court' then makes the final decision.

Looking for cassation advice?

In many cases, the cassation opinion is negative because no legal errors have been committed. This means that no cassation will then be filed. A cassation appeal cannot be filed on further grounds, such as an appeal. Since the cassation period in a regular soil case is usually only three months, there is thus not much time for studying the case file and making the opinion. It is therefore important to request a cassation opinion in good time, i.e. immediately after the judgment has been delivered.

Having the judgment studied by our lawyers

It is also possible to have a so-called Quick Scan analysis carried out by the cassation lawyer. This is not a full investigation but only a superficial study of the judgment. In many cases, it is possible to filter out the cases that will have no chance of success in cassation. Nevertheless, there is a risk that performing a Quick Scan analysis will not reveal certain errors if they are "hidden" in the file. This is a risk of which the client should be aware.

What is the cassation term?

In ordinary proceedings on the merits, the cassation term is three months from the day of the judgment. But the cassation term in summary proceedings is shorter, namely only eight weeks. And in some special cases, the term is even more limited.

Obviously, a cassation opinion should not be issued only just before the expiry of the cassation period. There should be enough time left for seeking a second or even third opinion. This is another reason not to submit a case for an opinion only shortly before the deadline expires.

What are the costs of a cassation lawyer?

What does cassation cost?

Cassation costs

In cassation we charge a standard hourly rate, but fixed fee agreements can be made in consultation.

Quick Scan cassation advice

A Quick Scan analysis is carried out in all cases on a fixed-price basis.

On addition

Cassation proceedings can be conducted on an add-on basis, for clients with eligible income.

What is a quick scan?

Providing a cassation opinion is a time-consuming exercise:

  • the case file must be read through
  • case law must be studied
  • an analysis of the judicial decisions must be made

Quick Scan

In addition to providing a comprehensive opinion, we offer clients the option of the Quick Scan analysis, in which only the court's final decision is read and a preliminary opinion is given on the chances in cassation. This Quick Scan analysis can be carried out in a shorter time than a full opinion. As a result, the costs are also limited. Moreover, a Quick Scan need not stand in the way of a further comprehensive opinion.

Please note!

You remain personally responsible for timely filing an appeal in cassation with the registry of the court of appeal.

Team Appeal in Cassation

Carene (C.M.H.) van Vliet

Carene (C.M.H.) van Vliet

Attorney at law/Managing partner

Melvin (M.) van Tiel

Melvin (M.) van Tiel

Attorney at law

Hendrik (H.) Sytema

Hendrik (H.) Sytema

Attorney at law/partner

Michaël (M.J.) van Basten Batenburg

Michaël (M.J.) van Basten Batenburg

Attorney at law/partner

Nieuws binnen Cassatie

Any questions about cassatie?
Please contact Michaël (M.J.) van Basten Batenburg

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